Welcome to our Sermons area. Browse through our sermons below. Most sermons have the audio available as well as the text.
We hope you find these to be manna for your spirit. And you come back often. If you have never been to one of our live church services, we hope these encourage you to attend or become members of our alive and lively church.
“Diversity, Unity, and Resistance in Our Blessed Community”
Livestreamed service
Third Sunday after the Epiphany | Destiny Magnett
“With You”
Livestreamed service
Baptism of Christ Sunday | Rev. Vicki Kemper
“Every Time”
Livestreamed service
Epiphany Sunday | Rev. Vicki Kemper
“The Promise of Justice”
Livestreamed service
Fourth Sunday of Advent/Service of Lessons and Carols | Rev. Vicki Kemper
“The Promise of Restoration”
Livestreamed service
Third Sunday of Advent | Rev. Vicki Kemper
“The Promise to Make a Way”
Livestreamed service
Second Sunday of Advent | Rev. Vicki Kemper
“The Promise of Deliverance”
Livestreamed service
First Sunday of Advent | Rev. Vicki Kemper
“The Gratitude Method”
Livestreamed service
Thanksgiving Sunday | Rev. Vicki Kemper